Role-based Character Creation in Fate


Shadow of the Century introduced the idea of roles as a way to make characters. I was ambivalent about the system when I read it, but then I tried implementing it in my eternally incomplete Fate Fantasy game. Looking at the role system from a designer's perspective was a revelation. It's such a great way to show your players what types of characters you can play. And since you choose three roles for your character, it's so much more flexible than a template system. (To say nothing of a class system.)

So here is my Fate Fantasy character creation system. I'm eager to hear people's opinions. 

This is designed to work with Quick & Dirty Magic. Magic Finesse is the same as Spell Casting.

I took a stab at doing the same thing for Star Wars. It's not as well made, but there's no magic system to muddy the waters.


  1. Sorry, only just come across this blog! I remember roles from SotC, but hadn't thought of doing much more with them. This set-up for a fantasy campaign is quite a clever way of working them, and since each role provides the same sort of bonuses, it would be quite easy to represent something like a Dwarf Fighter who trained with Elves for a long time as having two Racial roles and missing out the Secondary role.

    Or any other combination would work. However you spin it, this gives you quite a lot of room to play with while being quite a simple system to digest. If you ever do some more work on this game, I'd love to hear about it!

  2. Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you like the system. I'm obsessed with my supers game at the moment, but I'm sure to come back to fantasy eventually.


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